Wednesday, September 20, 2006

To Bilbo (Two Poems)

- To Bilbo, E=MC3, Espoir

Rest, my dear
In a complete and crystal dream
Light shed through the cloud
Will surround you, pellucid
As deep lake water
Embryo in the uterus
The quiet clock goes to eternity

Do you simply run
Climb and jump, Freedom
Is the heavy rain in the afternoon
That irrigates all the sweet fruits

I proceed, carrying my sins
Exploring with my own species
I reach for sunshine, truth
That falls to our world
You don’t know you saved me
I will finish the journey left
Endure anguish, enjoy happiness

There will be one day
When my time comes
Then, would you hate me?
If I could hold your hand
And pick a flower from Spring

I watch you from outside the window
Soft breath, no pains
Sleep, my dear


In the late night I woke up from a dream
A song haunted my heart
The grief that has been lurking for long
Turned into tears on a distant violin string

Do you know?
That autumn has passed
Even in the warmest south
Leaves and grasses are falling
In a galaxy I cannot see
With whom are you meeting?

In the days without you
For a thousand, a thousand times I tried to forget
At times your name slipped off my tongue
No longer shoving waves in the ocean of my mind

Only on this winter night
The helplessness on your face
And the agony you could not speak
Suddenly came to me as tides
Into the eyes that have long been dry

My poor thing
Those moments and many others in the past
Have etched me so deeply
That I cannot forgive life
Just as I cannot forgive myself

Has your pain ended?
I hope for all your happiness
I am still here struggling, rising and falling
Blindly writing the sorrow of an elegy